Patient Information and Instructions

The urine contains a wealth of bio-chemical information. It is your metabolic diary. All bio-chemical processes of your body leave residues that eventually find their way to the urine. Thus the urine specimen is ideal for measuring and monitoring your
metabolic health.

In order for the lab to obtain the clearest information from your urine specimen, please do your best to follow these instructions.

Limit the following items 24 hours prior to your appointment:

  • Nutritional supplements & non-essential medications
  • Sugar & artificial sweeteners
  • Alcohol, coffee, black tea, sodas & sports drinks
  • Excess salt (MSG)
  • Processed, adulterated or junk foods
  • Your own allergenic foods

Eat well-balanced meals, including protein, and try to drink a minimum of 6 glasses of water daily. 

Collecting & Transporting Urine Specimen:

  • Use the specimen cup provided by our office, or a clean glass or plastic container. 
  • Catch the first morning void (after 4:00 am) the day of your appointment. Wait till mid-stream to catch the sample.
  • Put container in a baggie to prevent leaks.
  • Do not refrigerate specimen. Keep at room temperature.

If you have further questions, please contact us at: 334-271-2882

What Tests are Included in the BTA (Specialized Health Assessment) ?

Adrenal Stress Test: This is a specialized test that measures the amount of chloride
displaced in the urine. Excess chloride indicates adrenal stress or fatigue, a serious health
concern resulting from our fast-paced lifestyles.

Calcium Urine Test: Calcium is an essential mineral for many cellular functions, as well as
for healthy bone development. This Specialized Health Assessment looks at the levels of calcium in the urine and
serves as an indicator of diseases related to calcium deficiency.

Ureas: Nitrates & Ammonias: The BTA also measures ureas, or waste products left
over from normal chemical reactions in the body. High amounts of these by-products can
burden the liver and kidneys over time, resulting in many chronic conditions.

Urinary Sugars: Sugar metabolism is crucial in the body’s ability to access appropriate
energy production pathways. Urinary sugars are tested to measure both high and low levels
in the body.

Blood Sugar: This Specialized Health Assessment provides useful information for preventing symptoms or managing current symptoms.

Malabsorption Test: This Specialized Health Assessment allows us to test for the by-products of harmful anaerobic
bacteria and bowel dysbiosis, a condition caused by the decline in beneficial digestive
bacteria. Dysbiosis can lead to malabsorption, digestive problems, allergies and inflammatory


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